
What’s The Difference Between Botox and a Dermal Filler?

What’s The Difference Between Botox and a Dermal Filler?

Cosmetic injectables have changed the aesthetic industry, giving everyone access to non-surgical options to look their best at every age. The two biggest categories of cosmetic injections are neuromodulators like Botox and dermal fillers. While both these products can reduce lines and wrinkles as well as many other cosmetic treatments, there is a huge difference in how they work. Let’s look at the difference between Botox and dermal fillers and how they can benefit your appearance.

What Is Botox?

Botox is a neuromodulator, which means it affects how the nerves and muscles communicate. It is derived from a neurotoxin that is released by the bacterium C. Botulinum. Botox works by stopping muscle contractions. When a tiny amount of Botox is injected into a muscle, it can block the nerve signals from the brain that control contraction and movement.

Botox is a medical and cosmetic treatment. It was first used to control eye muscle spasms and muscle movement that causes crossed eyes. Now it is used for many medical conditions that are impacted by muscle movement, as well as for its cosmetic benefits. Botox injections can stop the muscle contractions that create dynamic lines like “11s” between the brows and crow’s feet. They also have many other cosmetic uses, which we will discuss later.

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Fat, collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other elements impact the appearance of the skin. If you lose any of these elements, which is common as you get older, the skin appearance changes. Dermal fillers are designed to replace lost volume in and under the skin. There are various types of dermal fillers that are used as cosmetic injections, from fat derived from the patient to hyaluronic acid and collagen stimulants such as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres.

The most popular types of dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid-based fillers. Hyaluronic acid is created naturally in the body, and it helps keep the skin supple. Just a fraction of a teaspoon of hyaluronic acid can absorb over a gallon of moisture, which is how it keeps the skin moist and soft. As you get older, you lose collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin in the skin, which can result in a loss of volume and elasticity. Hyaluronic fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane and Belotero all can add volume under the skin, which can make the skin look more youthful, as well as provide volume for lip enhancements and other cosmetic treatments.

Are Botox or Dermal Fillers Better for Wrinkle Treatment?

Both Botox and dermal fillers can be used to reduce lines and wrinkles on the face, but they work very differently. Botox is great for softening lines that are created when you make certain facial expressions. These dynamic lines can become etched in the skin as you get older, such as the frown and worry lines on the brow as well as crow’s feet around the eyes and bunny lines on the nose. Botox injections are perfect for smoothing these lines – Botox is FDA-approved for the treatment of brow furrows and crow’s feet.

Dermal fillers are also used for wrinkle treatment, but they do not impact muscle movement. Instead, they plump under the skin to restore volume and smooth lines and wrinkles. The smile lines along the nasolabial fold around the nose and mouth are an excellent example. Hyaluronic acid works wonderfully to lift under the nasolabial fold to reduce the appearance of smile lines. Dermal fillers can also smooth fine lines around the mouth and even are used to rejuvenate the skin on the back of the hands.

Which Cosmetic Injections Are Best for Lip Enhancement?

Both Botox and facial filler injections can be used for lip enhancement, but once again, in different ways. Botox lip enhancement involves relaxing certain muscles to create the lip appearance desired. The Botox “lip flip” relaxes muscles that impact the upper lip, allowing it to flip outward slightly. This creates a fuller lip appearance without adding volume. Botox can also reduce certain lip lines and can be used for gummy smile treatment.

Dermal or lip filler treatment is one of the most requested procedures. Full lips are attractive, and they appear youthful. Hyaluronic acid fillers that are formulated for flexibility are used to add volume to the lips. This can create the desirable plump pout that so many people want. Dermal fillers also can rejuvenate lips that have become thinner or flatter with age and give lips more fullness and definition.

What Else Can Cosmetic Injectables Accomplish?

Wrinkle reduction and lip enhancement are just two of the many cosmetic treatments that can be accomplished with both Botox and dermal fillers. In addition, Botox can be used for slimming a wide jaw/face (masseter reduction), smoothing neck cords/lines, smoothing chin dimples and much more. Dermal fillers are excellent for adding volume throughout the face to lift the cheeks and rejuvenate sunken temples or undereye areas.

Downtime for Botox and Dermal Fillers

One of the similarities between Botox and dermal fillers is their convenience. Both treatments can be completed in a short office visit and neither requires downtime after the procedure. The most common side effects for both cosmetic injectable types are bruising and swelling at the injection site. These effects quickly go away in the day or two after the treatment.

How Long Do Botox and Dermal Fillers Last?

Another big difference between facial fillers and Botox is how long the effects last and how quickly they can be noticed. Botox injections do not create instant results – it takes anywhere from a few days to over a week to see the full effects of Botox. The muscle relaxation effects begin to wear off around month three, as the body breaks down the protein in this popular neuromodulator. To maintain the desired results, most patients must receive Botox treatments every 4-6 months.

Dermal fillers that use hyaluronic acid can achieve almost instant results. If you receive lip filler, you will have fuller lips by the end of your treatment. The results also last longer than Botox – hyaluronic acid fillers can last anywhere from six months to over two years, depending on the brand and formula.

Can Botox and Dermal Fillers Be Used Together?

You do not need to choose between Botox and dermal filler injections – they can safely be sued together. As discussed, they work very differently, and they are used for achieving different results. You can have Botox injections to erase frown lines and during the same appointment, have dermal fillers injected into your lips. You can also use these injections with other cosmetic treatments such as laser skin treatments, microneedling and chemical peels.

Botox and Dermal Filler Treatments in Phoenix, AZ

At Arcadia Wellness Center, we have some of the most talented cosmetic injectors in the greater Phoenix, AZ area. Our cosmetic team provides a wide selection of cosmetic injectables, including Botox and dermal fillers. If you want a lip enhancement or wrinkle reduction, we can provide you with amazing results. Our clinic also has many other fantastic cosmetic injections, including biologics like Sculptra and fat-dissolving injections like Kybella.

Cosmetic injections are wonderful non-surgical options to create the look you desire. If you have questions about Botox, dermal fillers or any of our other cosmetic treatments at Arcadia Wellness Center, contact our office to schedule a consultation. You can call our clinic in Phoenix, AZ or contact us online to schedule an appointment. 

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