
What are Common Kinds of Personal Injury Claims Filed in Tacoma?

Personal injury claims are filed on any person who has suffered harm, injury, or death. These claims are often filed when someone is involved in an accident that was the result of someone else’s negligent actions. Personal injury claims can be executed against individuals, businesses, and the government.

However, navigating through a personal injury claim alone without the help of a Tacoma personal injury lawyer may not be the best thing to do. These claims are most often difficult and require in-depth legal knowledge and experience to ensure positive outcomes.

There are several types of personal injury claims that are commonly filed in Tacoma. These include:

Motor vehicle accidents

Motor vehicle accidents are common types of personal injury claims in Tacoma. These are often the results of careless and reckless driving, speeding, driving under the influence, and even distracted driving. A personal injury attorney can help you file a claim against the person responsible for the accident and ensure that you receive enough compensation for your injuries.

Product liability claims

Product liability claims in Tacoma are filed when a person has been injured by a defective or dangerous product. This could include such things as dangerous drugs, prescription medicines, chemicals, or other products that cause harm to people. A personal injury lawyer can help you determine if you have a viable product liability claim and ensure that your case is filed accordingly to ensure compensation.

Premises liability claims

Premises liability claims are filed when a person is injured while they are on someone else’s property. This includes public places or buildings where an injury occurs, such as if an escalator malfunction and causes serious injuries.

Wrongful death claims

Wrongful death claims in Tacoma are filed when a person has lost their life as the result of someone else’s negligent or wrongful acts. This includes cases where an action such as drunk driving has caused the death of another person.

Slip and fall accidents

Slip and fall accidents are common claims filed in Tacoma. These are often the result of carelessness or negligence on the part of the property owner, business owner, or other party that is responsible for maintaining safe premises. These accidents can cause serious injuries to those who have been involved. An experienced attorney can help you file a claim for compensation against the party responsible for your injuries in such instances.

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