Why People Love René Furterer

It is difficult to go through life without hearing the name René Furterer, especially if you are an advocate for healthy hair. René Furterer began his journey of excellence in 1957. He changed the foundation of the haircare industry by introducing a theory that pointed out that beautiful hair comes from a healthy scalp.

Because of his belief, and his passion for being able to help people have magnificent, beautiful hair the world-renowned brand was born, and people loved it.

René Furterer and Etheirology

One of the most profound elements of the brand is the concept of etheirology. This belief stemmed from an idea that combines etheirology, from the Greek “etheira”, hair, and “etheiro”, to treat.

What this concept suggests is that there is a threefold process toward hair care and rejuvenation where the hairstylist prepares, cleanses, and treats the hair…scalp, and all as opposed to merely focusing on the hair.

Hair and Scalp Health Combined

Although there are several possibilities that can contribute to an unhealthy-looking head of hair, one thing that is certain is that hair stems from the scalp. Whether or not many of the current hair care manufacturers keep this in mind as they create their products is not known, however, it is a well-known fact that all of the hair care products that René Furterer produces are specifically formulated to promote health at the scalp and within the hair itself.

One of the common reasons for the thinning of hair is the environment on the scalp causes hair follicles and the cells that promote hair growth to fade away, or become dormant. If you think about it, when you cover up the ground where grass grows on your lawn you will find a dry, “bald” patch where there used to be grass.

Although the hair on our heads and the grass that grows on lawns are much different from each other, the concept is the same. If you cause problems on your scalp, you can inhibit hair growth.

The first step towards regaining healthy hair is to take a good look at what might be causing the issue. Not everybody is the same so reasons can vary. There are a lot of factors that could be involved:

  • Age
  • Family history
  • Stress
  • Medication
  • Supplements
  • Skin problems

The list can go on, but these are the top factors that can contribute to hair loss and thinning of the hair.

In any event, one of the best ways to determine whether or not your scalp is at fault, for whatever reason, is to try a gentle..but firm…cleansing solution that exfoliates all of the dead skin cells away from the scalp.

It might be easy to assume that if you don’t see any flakes, or feel any dryness that there are not any dead skin tags hanging up there, but the truth is that these skin cells can die and collect on the surface while clogging up pores and jamming up hair follicles.

By thoroughly washing the scalp with a gentle cleanser and making sure that the entire surface of the head is clean and free of impurities you can help to revitalize the structure of your hair growth potential and get thicker, fuller, and healthier hair.

Stimulating the Hair Growth Cells

This concept works more for people with thinning hair as opposed to people with complete baldness. However…you just never know whether or not it will work. The concept of regrowing hair does not stop with cleaning the scalp.

What René Furterer incorporates into the formula of all of the hair restoration shampoos that are available are components that are meant to bring stimulation to the scalp in order to stimulate and awaken sleeping hair cells that have gone dormant.

In addition to adding a gentle cleanser, products that are meant to help regain and restore hair also are equipped with herbs and botanical elements that reach the cells and follicles on the scalp and cause them to awaken from their sleep.

Shoppers Say This Rene Furterer Shampoo Combats Hair Loss

It may seem like a far-fetched idea, but it actually works for some people. In many cases people that eat low-quality foods, or stay constantly stressed out, or are suffering some sort of hormonal change in their life use regrowing products that promote cellular stimulation on the scalp and the hair ends up growing hair again.

Of course, this is not always the case nor does it happen quickly. If you can imagine how long it takes for your hair to grow an inch you can understand that in order to see results you have to be patient.

Science and Nature Combined

If you look at it on a scientific level you can see that nature is science. However, when you incorporate scientific discoveries and methodologies with the elements of nature and combine the two you can come up with some products that actually assist in the healing of issues within the body.

The French are famous for their passion for using natural elements to help the body restore itself and maintain its own unique beauty as opposed to creating fully synthetic solutions that only mimic health or mask the underlying issues.

What this means is that many of the products that you will find that have been manufactured by French developers are created in a way that allows the user to restore and maintain health by using the power of nature to equip the body to naturally heal, or correct, itself.

For example, instead of creating a product that makes it look as if you have grown new hair, French developers create products that invoke your body to regrow hair on its own. In this sense, the hair comes back more lustrous and beautiful than ever because it is grown from within from natural sources. It does not “appear to be” your hair because it actually is.

The same goes for many other types of French beauty products out there. Take Embryolisse or Ducray for example. Both of these are well-known products that are created by French developers. They both use the same type of philosophy when they create products for their customers.

They use natural, herbal ingredients that do not harm the environment but also help to encourage the body to heal on its own. 

Although it is science that brings us chemicals and formulations that are made from elements that are created in a lab, science also brings us the ability to get the most out of the natural compounds that are available to all of us. When people that understand the way that plants work with the human body, they can initiate a compound that not only is safe for the world around them, but very effective in the treatment of various ailments that are caused merely by an imbalance in our own bodies.

The French believe in bringing out our own beauty from within instead of trying to cover up what we believe is unattractive about us. What better way to approach the world than by encouraging everybody to welcome and embrace their true selves?


It is difficult to pinpoint one reason why people love products by René Furterer. What stands out the most is probably the fact that it is a trusted company that has been around for a long time. Since everything that comes from their laboratory works exactly the way that it says it does it is no wonder why they are so successful and have been around for so long. Let’s hope they continue their quest and keep introducing us to products that actually work.

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