car crash in California

If you live in Southern California, you already know the heavy traffic here. As someone who is driving safely on the roads here, you could end up in an accident that wasn’t your fault. Even if you are liable for a car crash to an extent, California laws are flexible for victims, and there is always room to evaluate the possibilities of recovering a settlement. Regardless of all variables, you should seek legal consultation from an injury lawyer, and if this is the first time you are meeting an attorney, here’s what you can expect.

Prep for the meeting

Your lawyer can only give you concrete answers when you share everything. From the medical file related to your injuries after the accident to the evidence you may have collected at the scene, consider taking all details with you. Lawyers will eventually investigate the matter and find more details, but the initial facts are essential for evaluating the worth of your claim. It is best to be prepared for the meeting.

Make a questionnaire

Just like the lawyer will have questions for you, you should consider the first meeting as an interview with the attorney, and it is wise to have questions. Your questionnaire should have questions like –

  1. How long has your firm been practicing in Southern California?
  2. Are you going to personally represent me? If not, who is my lawyer?
  3. What is your experience with car accident cases? What are your landmark settlements?
  4. Do you ever represent clients in court for such lawsuits? If yes, when was the last time you won?
  5. What can you tell me about the worth of my damages?
  6. Can you share client references?
  7. What expenses do I need to pay for? What would be your contingency fee?

13-year-old driver kills 1, injures 9 in California car crash

Be honest about details

Your fault is one of the most critical variables for determining the worth of your claim and whether you have a case against the other party. California’s pure comparative fault rule is quite simple, but the calculations can be complex in real life. Ensure that your lawyer is aware of all details, including what you did after the accident. Being upfront with the attorney can help save time and effort. You should also consider sharing details about other accidents you have been involved in and if you were responsible for any.

Call an attorney now to find out more.

By admin